High-Quality Biphasiс isophane insulin injection
Biphasic isophane insulin injection I.P., developed by Novo Nordisk Labs, is an injectable medication comprising Insulin as the active component. Insulin, a natural peptide hormone produced by the pancreas, is crucial for regulating blood sugar levels. In the treatment of Diabetes, where the body either lacks Insulin production (type 1 diabetes) or becomes resistant to its effects (type 2 diabetes), Insulin therapy plays a vital role. When individuals with Diabetes experience elevated blood sugar levels, Insulin is prescribed to help lower and manage blood sugar levels effectively. Biphasic Insulin, known as premixed insulin, combines long-acting and short-acting Insulin to provide precise control over blood sugar levels.
The effects of Insulin
Insulin is recognized as the primary anabolic hormone within the body due to its role in enhancing nutrient storage and averting cellular breakdown. It facilitates the uptake of glucose derived from carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, storing it in muscles, fat, and the liver for subsequent energy utilization. Consequently, elevated Insulin levels lead to increased energy availability. Moreover, Insulin contributes to heightened muscle protein synthesis and decreased muscle protein degradation, fostering muscle growth provided there is a sufficient intake of protein and amino acids during its administration.
How to take it
Insulin is typically administered post-workout and approximately 30 minutes before a meal, with a daily dosage ranging from 2-5IU for most individuals. While experienced users may opt for doses up to 10IU daily, this is not recommended for novices. Larger doses are usually divided into 2-3 separate administrations throughout the day, ensuring a minimum 4-hour interval between each dose to prevent overlap. For those new to Insulin use, commencing with a low daily dose is strongly advised.
It is crucial to maintain adequate carbohydrate intake for 3-6 hours following each Insulin injection, ideally distributed across three separate meals to stabilize blood sugar levels. Additionally, it is important not to nap during this period to prevent potential hypoglycemia. Combining Insulin with Human Growth Hormone (HGH) is a common practice as HGH aids in regulating blood sugar levels post-Insulin administration, offering a safer approach to Insulin usage.
Side effects
Excessive levels of Insulin in the bloodstream can precipitate Hypoglycemia, characterized by low blood sugar levels. Initial signs of Hypoglycemia include drowsiness, fatigue, irritability, pallor, and tremors. Should these symptoms manifest, prompt consumption of carbohydrates is imperative to elevate blood sugar levels. In severe instances, Hypoglycemia can progress to confusion, blurred vision, seizures, loss of consciousness, or in extreme cases, fatality. Hence, adherence to specialist guidance is paramount when using this medication. For inquiries about our product or its delivery, please reach out to our customer service team.
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